All your jobs and candidates can be easily managed within one simple dashboard.
Easily compare candidates across key jobshape criteria so you can make data driven decisions. Then, if desired, dive deeper into the behavioural insight of individual candidates so you can perform more effective interviews and select employess that fit not just the role, but future teams and the company as a whole.
Having an effective hiring process not only ensures that you hire the right person but also ensures you create a positive relationship with each and every candidate, hired or not. This is why Jobshape delivers an engaging assessment experience that candidates will enjoy, supporting your brand and reputation
Jobshape’s clever technology automatically translates your requirements into objective behavioural criteria candidates can be compared across from traits to team role preferences.
View a list of your candidates, scored and ranked across 23 traits, 16 personality types and team role preferences. Additionally:
Jobshape provides a holistic personality summary and enables you to compare and contrast different profiles within a team including how preferences manifest and shape communication and behaviour.